What happens if a student is caught plagiarizing?

What are MTC's policies on violating copyright laws, plagiarizing, and acdemic integrity?


Understanding copyright laws is important for students to avoid plagiarism. As you may already be aware, plagiarism involves using someone else's work without proper attribution or permission. You may not have realized that this can violate copyright laws. By knowing copyright regulations, such as Fair Use Doctrine and educational use guidelines, students can appropriately cite and use copyrighted materials in their work, preventing plagiarism. If you would like to learn more specifically about copyright, check out MTC Library's Copyright Guide.

In terms of the actions the college would take if a student were caught violating copyright laws, try exploring the Preventing Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Tutorial available on MTC Library's website. Specifically, focus on the "What is Plagiarism" section, where various types of plagiarism and the potential consequences are discussed in detail.

Additionally, within the tutorial, there is a link to the MTC Student Handbook, Appendix I - Student Code for MTC, which provides further insights into the college's policies and procedures regarding academic integrity.

  • Last Updated Feb 28, 2024
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Erica Huff

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